Discover The Simple 3 Part Method That Got My Baby Sleeping Through The Night From 4 Months That's Now Been Trusted By Thousands.


Meet Your Host, Emily

Let Me Take You Back...
To the winter of 2019 when I was pregnant. My husband and I were having lots of late-night conversations, discussing our excitement and fears about having a baby.
By far our greatest fear was the sleep deprivation.
We are both people who *need* our sleep and all we were hearing from friends, family and society at large is that we were heading into a few sleep-deprived and stressful years.
But the more we talked about sleep, a little voice in my brain kept saying: there must be a way.
There must be a way to make the first few months (and years) better, good even, as far as sleep was concerned.
So I decided to really delve deep into the subject of sleep: reading lots, researching and listening to podcasts. Thus began my journey into learning all things baby sleep.
After our son was born and after the first few crazy newborn weeks, we began to gently nudge him into a daytime routine. We optimised his sleep environment and gave him opportunities to fall asleep independently from the beginning. We were intentional about sleep and followed a plan.
He slept through the night from four and a half months old.
Long, consistent naps. Happy, straight-forward bedtimes. And both parents able to share the load when it came to sleep.
And his sleep has remained consistently brilliant over three years down the line.
He is a happy, healthy and happily-attached little boy. And we as parents are happy, healthy and well-rested too.
I loved seeing the sleep theory I had learned whilst pregnant put into practice. I saw so clearly how – despite it often seeming like a totally random mystery – there really is a formula to baby sleep.
So, I decided to train as a Sleep Consultant, to help other parents to bring balance back to parenthood and take the stress out of sleep.
Three and a half years on, we've helped over 4000 parents to transform sleep.
Our mission is to help you to unlock predictable sleep so that you can reclaim your sense of identity, reconnect with your partner and most importantly, have the freedom to enjoy life and parenting fully.
Here's The Truth About Self-Settling
By enabling the skill of independent sleep you can be enjoying:
Longer stretches of sleep at night
Predictable and easy naps
More sleep for the whole family within days.
Improving Your Family's Sleep Will Change Your Life
When you look at your life, does it feel like you're surviving rather than thriving? Are you looking at other parents' experiences and wondering why yours feels so.much.harder?
If so, it might be time to make a change.
It's possible to actually enjoy parenting.
It's possible to have time for yourself, every day.
It's possible to have quality time with your partner.
It's possible for your baby to be rested and content.
It's possible for days to feel easier & more joyful.
Predictable sleep makes all of that possible. And I created this masterclass for parents exactly like you; who are ready to bring balance back to parenthood