I'm So Glad You're Here
Whether your baby is waking multiple times each night, won't nap or will only fall asleep feeding, we’re here to help.
Restful, restorative sleep is beneficial for parents and babies alike, and can be achieved in a short period of time (our average is 7-10 days) with some practical advice and easy changes.
Through unlocking predictable sleep, we will help you to reclaim your sense of identity, reconnect with your partner and, most importantly, provide the freedom to enjoy life and parenting fully.
Emily Houltram
Founder of The Sleep Chief
Meet The Team

Hello, my name is Rachel and I'm mummy to 2 lovely little boys, Archie 4 and Teddy 2.
We hired a sleep consultant when Archie was 10 months old and it really was life changing. He started sleeping through the night and has done so ever since. The help we were given was transformational and saved me in so many ways and from that moment I knew that I wanted to be able to do that for other parents.
If your little one's sleep isn't working for you, there are absolutely things that can be done and I'm so excited to help you.
Hi, I’m Katie, mummy of two little ones; Arthur 3 and Ella 1. They’re a little comedy duo and certainly keep me on my toes.
When Arthur was a baby he had quite bad reflux which made our sleep journey a tricky one to begin with. Eventually, we decided to hire a sleep consultant - The Sleep Chief! We were amazed at how quickly our “bad sleeper” was transformed into a great sleeper with no more bedtime battles!
It was during my maternity leave that I decided to train to be a sleep consultant myself. I couldn’t wait to help other parents and babies get the sleep they need and deserve and transform their lives as it had done for ours.

Hey, I’m Gina! I have two children, Theo and Grace and I know how important good quality sleep is for the whole family.
With Theo, my firstborn, it was a steep learning curve and when Grace arrived, I put all of my knowledge into practice. By 9 weeks old she was sleeping through the night. I felt like a different woman. I felt like myself again!
After having my children and spending over a decade teaching in a primary school, I decided to re-train and formally help families all over the world improve their sleep. I realised that this newfound knowledge could help us get the rest we needed for a successful night's sleep.
I can’t wait to help you, too!
Getting Good Sleep Is As Simple As 1,2,3:

I Know You're Struggling...
Does any of this sound familiar: It's 3am and they won't settle unless it's in your arms. Or it's 5am and they're wide awake. Or your baby will only nap on you and YOU need a break. Everyone said it was going to be hard, but is it supposed to be THIS hard? They just won't sleep.
And the problem is, you've got to be up in a few hours' time and you're going to be exhausted. Not able to give your full potential as a parent or at work.
You're feeling utterly defeated and nothing you've tried has worked. You've scrolled Instagram, asked Google every question, spoken to family & friends - no one has the answer to YOUR baby's issues.
But there is a solution. Through working with us your baby will get longer stretches of sleep & predictable naps so that you have:
A happy and rested baby
More energy and joy from day-to-day
Quality time for you & your partner
Ready to work with us?
Working With Us You Will
Find the joy in parenting again!
Be able to put your baby down awake at bedtime in their cot without tears
Have the confidence to know what you're doing when it comes to sleep
Get longer stretches of sleep at night
Get your evenings back! And have time for each other in the evenings
All be getting more rest, enabling you to be able to be the parent you want to be
Have predictable breaks every day when your baby naps in their cot
Be able to stop feeding, rocking, cuddling, walking or holding to sleep
Feel more like yourself again!
Sleep Programmes
Available for 0-6 months, 0-12 months or 0-4 years
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